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AutomateLeads by Aurum Analytica

Access Custom Data of over 150 million profiles

Our intelligent machine learning algorithms search & sieve through our extensive pool of proprietary data points and discover lookalike audiences that can be potential and unparalleled quality home buyer leads for your business.

Consistent Flow of Leads + AutomateLeads = 5X ROI

Access the potential leads at Aurum Analytica and leverage the robust automated lead nurturing function to increase the possibilities of converting relevant prospects into paying customers.

technology we use
social lookalike

Social Lookalike Audience Engine

ML Algorithms rooted in AutomateLeads enables the system to identify and allocate sales lead to the apt resource for better conversion and enhanced ROI

Modern Day Solutions Built to Empower your Real Estate Business

Customized solutions harnessing the power of technology and analytics for Real Estate Lead Generation and Sales Automation propelling your business growth

modern day solutions

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